I have decided it is time to start practicing what I preach. I tell my students all the time that the only way to get better at something is to practice, practice, practice. When they complain about not liking to read, I often stress to them that once they start reading on a regular basis, it will become a habit in their lives; they will feel empty when they don't. They look at me with disbelieving eyes, but eventually they come back to tell me that I was right. I love those moments!
As a child and a teenager, I wrote all the time. In elementary school, I wrote stories - pages and pages of notebook paper filled with the imaginings of my mind. My teachers always encouraged me to keep writing, and some even had my stories spiral-bound into "books" that I could keep forever. In middle and high school, I moved to poetry and journal writing. My high school creative writing and English teacher became my inspiration. She wrote poetry and frequently shared it with us. She also kept the most creative journals - she decorated the outside covers, glued pictures, quotes, and inspirational words throughout the pages. She was my role model. She was everything I wanted to be - creative, inspiring, a teacher, an author, and a mentor. I thrived in her classroom, keeping journals, writing poetry, and finding my inner voice.
After high school, I lost touch with the teacher that had inspired me to find my writing voice. It was up to me to do it on my own. I sporadically kept journals throughout college and into my post-college life, but writing became less of a habit for me. My entire life, I had used writing as a way to vent my frustrations and explore my emotions. But as my life got busier with work, a family, and other obligations, that outlet slowly started slipping away.
Now, I find myself longing for my writing life. In stores, I am always drawn to the journals. I buy a new journal at least once or twice a year, thinking the beautiful cover will inspire me to continue my old habit. My desire is so strong, but I never seem to make the time for writing.
I read book after book, devouring and falling in love with words. In fact, my ultimate goal is to one day write a book of my own, hoping to inspire someone the way that so many books have inspired me. But, like I tell my students, I won't get there if I don't make time to practice. Even if I just sit down for ten minutes a day in between teaching, parenting, reading, running, coaching, and housekeeping (whew!), I will be closer to my goal than I am now.
I had a conversation with a writer last night that has motivated me. She used to be a teacher, but quit her job to become a full-time writer. After talking to her, I realized that that is the life I want. She is living my dream. But I am the only one holding myself back.
So this is my vow. I am putting it in writing so I can stick to it. Ten mintues a day. Journal or blog. Just as long as my thoughts start flowing and my words start accumulating. I'm on my way.
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