Sunday, April 19, 2020

Running Out of Time

(very rough draft)
Running Out of Time

They say the years are short.
Just yesterday
I heard her heartbeat
for the first time
and then
she snuggled against my chest
and I felt her tiny breaths.

Just yesterday
she took timid steps
for the first time
and then
she was running across the yard,
pigtails flying in the wind.

Just yesterday
she said my name
for the first time
and then
she told stories faster
than the words could leave her mouth.

They say right now the days are long.
we stepped onto the pavement
and then
the cadence of our feet
fell into a silent rhythm.

we inhaled and exhaled
and then
the sound of our breath
carried on a quiet conversation.

we ran the distance
and then
I turned to look at
the young woman beside me
and wondered
where all the
have gone.

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